●What are Charm Adopt’s adoption requirements?

1. Residents of US, South Korea or Canada*.
(*Canadian residents are welcome to apply. However, due to COVID-19 pandemic, it is very difficult to find flight volunteers to Canada. Unless the adopter can find a flight volunteer, we recommend checking back with us later.)
2. 25 years old or over is preferred.
3. All members who will be living with the dog should agree on the adoption. We may contact them individually to confirm.
4. Dog must live as an indoor companion.
5. Adopter must keep us updated on the status of the dog at least once a month.
6. Adopter must agree on our policy to spay all dogs prior to adoption. If the dog is younger than 6 months at the time of adoption, adopter must agree to spay the dog once it reaches an appropriate age.
7. Adopter must agree to take care of the dog for the rest of its life.

What is the adoption process?

:Our adoption process involves more steps than from your local shelters. Make sure to read through our adoption process prior to making a decision. Due to COVID-19, it is not easy to get as many flight volunteers. Depending on the flight volunteer availability, the time between finalizing adoption and meeting your fur baby can take around 1 to 3 months.

Interview process:
Decide the dog you would like to adopt
2. Fill out and submit our Application
3. We will review the applications and contact you. The review process can take about 5-10 business days.
4. Phone interview and home check (via video call).
5. Once the adoption is confirmed :
- Adopter will sign our Adoption agreement.
- Adopter will need to pay the fee of $800 to Charm Adopt rescue group.
This will initiate the adoption process

Adoption process :
1. We will start looking for a flight volunteer to your nearest airport as soon as the adoption process starts. Finding flight volunteer is the most time consuming part, and it can vary depending on Covid-19 situation in US and in Korea.
(If adopter wants to send the dog via cargo, it is possible with extra costs. check the “Adoption fee” section below)
2. During this time, we will gather all the necessary documents for your fur baby’s flight. (check the “Adoption fee” section below to see what documents are included)
3. The dog will receive all required vaccines in order to fly overseas if it hasn’t done so already.
4. If it hasn’t been spayed/neutered, it will be spayed/neutered. (No exception unless the dog is under 6 months old)
5. We will obtain veterinarian inspection certificate 10 days before the departure date.
6. Our team member will drop off the dog at the airport.
7. You will meet your fur baby at the airport!

What is the adoption fee and what does it includes?

Adoption fee for our dogs are *$800, and this includes:

1. Health examination
2. Rabies, parasite prevention treatment
3. All other vaccinations required by USDA
4. Spay / neuter
5. Microchip
6. Veterinarian inspection certificate
7. Airline approved Kennel
8. Airfare
9. Airport transportation
10. Customs Broker Fee [Entry and paperwork approval into US Airport customs clearance]

The adoption fee is same for dogs that are already in the United States, as rescuer paid all the fees upfront. In that case, we will use the fee you pay to rescue another dog from the shelter and bring to the U.S.
You’re not just saving one dog by adopting, but two as you are saving another dog that can take over your dog’s spot in the foster home.

Can I meet the dog before I adopt?

: We can try to arrange for the prospective adopters to meet the dog in advance with the approval from our foster parents.
In most cases, the prospective adopter is expected to visit the dog at the city in which the foster home is located. Our foster parents are essential to our mission, and we want to do everything we can to support them. Therefore, Charm Adopt volunteers will be the primary point of contact for both prospective/current adopters and foster parents. Please forward all inquiries to your Charm Adopt primary point of contact - messages sent to other members of the team may result in disqualification.Please keep in mind, all of our Charm Adopt staff are volunteers.

How do you pick an adopter?

: Most of our dogs were abandoned and some abused. Due to their history, each dog has different personality and different environment that will suit them. We try to match an adopter that can offer the best environment for the specific dog.

Are the dogs trained?

: Our dogs were saved from a high-kill shelter, so they had very limited opportunity to be trained. Our foster parents are trying to help the dogs get used to living with a family, and some dogs can be trained during the process. However, most dogs need some level of re-training once they come to a new place (such as your home!), so we recommend you to assume the dog will arrive with no training. Any details regarding social skills will be written in their bio.

Will my dog get along with other dogs?

: Every dog’s social level is different. Please refer to the dog’s bio for any details regarding social skills.

Do you keep track of the dogs after adoption?

: Yes, to ensure the well-being of the dog, adopters are required to give us occasional follow-ups after the adoption. They can also provide a social media account where they post photos of the dog. Surprisingly many dogs end up in local shelters after flying thousands miles from Korea. Therefore, we do our best to prevent this by closely monitoring the dog’s status after the adoption.

What do I do if I can’t keep my dog that I adopted from Charm Adopt anymore?

: Please know that your dog is your family, and it loves you back unconditionally. We see dogs that were abandoned by their owners, and such scars never completely go away.
If you have to give up the dog, you must contact us prior to taking any further actions. You may NOT transfer ownership of the dog without our permission. In order to prevent habitual disownment, adoption fee is non-refundable.

Do you have a Facebook page?

: We are currently in process of creating a Facebook page, we will link it once it’s done.

Instagram : Charm Adopt US