Sage was adopted!

Sage was adopted in August, and now she is living in LA!

Sage’s story:
Sage was admitted to the shelter with her sister and her brother. Sage’s adopters saw Sage’s sister’s post first and wanted to adopt her, but she was adopted before they were able to submit an application. So instead, they were looking for another Jindo mixed dog to adopt. One day they saw the same dog on the adoption post, and found out it was actually the sister! Sage’s parents fell in love with Sage’s smile and decided to bring her to LA, US.
Sage arrived in LAX after 2 months and a half, nearly 70 days after being adopted. It was the peak of the Covid-19 in US and it were nearly impossible to find a flight volunteer. Yet, Sage was able to come home.

Sage’s parents quickly found out that Sage never had the chance to socialize with humans. She was in the shelter since she was a puppy, and she was always surround by her own kinds. Sage didn’t live with any foster parents. Sage loved Charm aunties at the shelter and she was used to them, but she never knew any other human. Sage is slowly but surely getting better and learning how it is to have a family.


PooKoo (Jackie) was adopted!