Mallow’s Happy Tail

Mallow (otherwise known as Marshmallow Mischief Mellone, formerly Groomi) was adopted on January 10, 2021 and is now living with her mom in New York City.

Mallow was found severely malnourished and matted, and the incredible team at Charm Adopt and her wonderful foster Lucia, helped her get the medical care she needed, and even shaved her fur so she could start fresh.

Mallow's mom, Sam, had been looking to adopt a rescue Samoyed for nearly two years and hadn't yet found the right fit. When she saw Mallow on the Charm website, she immediately knew they were meant to be together. A wonderful, generous volunteer helped bring Mallow home.

When she arrived it was immediately clear that Mallow was a gigantic love bug, she immediately wanted to make friends with everyone (and everything). She quickly became a neighborhood star, making friends everywhere she goes. As her coat fluffed out (and she returned to a healthy weight) she became bolder and finally found her voice. Since coming home she's made the most of NYC - befriending all sorts of people and animals (including cats, guinea pigs, ferrets, and of course other dogs) and going on lots of adventures to art exhibits, parks, museums, and so many restaurants. She spends her days at her favorite dog park with her friends, eating snacks, and testing new toys (she's outgrown 3 toy boxes so far). She also spends a lot of time with her favorite humans (including two kids who love her just as much as she loves them). Both Mallow and her mom couldn't be more grateful to Charm for bringing them together.


Instagram : @thefloofynewyorker Foster : @any_day_with_you


Ivy’s Happy Tail


Wooyu’s Happy Tail