
(03/01/2024 ADOPTED)

Heidi @daniel.k_0622

Hi My name is Heidi!

I am a Spitz mix girl and weigh 17.67 lbs (8kg) spayed and fully betted. I am somewhere between 1 - 2 years old

I was taken to Uljin local shelter with my brother last summer. Sadly, my little brother has passed away due to gastrointestinal bleeding. I was pregnant at that time and I gave birth to my 4 little babies in the shelter. Childbirth, childcare and malnutrition made me extremely thin and I didn’t have the strength to lift my head. Fortunately, I was rescued. However, when I went to the vet to get a health check, I was diagnosed with heartworm disease.

I was worried about my babies remaining in the shelter, but my treatment was the most pressing issue at that moment. My treatment began with getting vaccinated, spayed and treated for heartworm disease and now I am healthy. Thanks to my foster family’s sincere love and care, my condition has been getting better quickly.

I like to be with people and dog friends. I love to play tug of war with my foster sister, have treats, smell freshly cut grass, and meet new friends. Now I am ready to meet my forever family!

If you think I’ll be a good fit for your family, please submit an application for adoption!


(Please be lovely Hiedi’s furever family Adoption is available both in Korea and US.)


